Our Services
We specialize in metal fabrication. We also connect entrepreneurs with customers and equipment. If you have the technical expertise to perform metal fabrication, we have the equipment and space. From access to a 10,000 sf shop with 5-ton gantry crane to an oxy-acetylene torch, we can provide you the equipment you need to execute your project.
If we don’t have what you need let us know and we will make arrangements to ensure your project can be completed.
We specialize in connecting welders and fabricators with customers.
Complete the form by clicking the link. You will be added to the most complete list of welding and fabrication specialists.
Rent space to execute your project.
Book our state-of-the-art facility in South Louisiana. If you are located elsewhere, we can discuss options with our partner fabrication shops to get you the space you need.
Let OB FAB complete your project for you.
When you just want it done and you don’t want to mess with it. We have highly qualified welders, fitters and fabricators that can complete your project.